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Virtual Disability Conference 2024: New Frontiers
Virtual Disability Conference 2024: New Frontiers
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The relationship between inadequate childhood communication experiences and adult mental health of deaf Australians: a qualitative study


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Presentation Description

Plain Language Abstract 
This presentation is about Deaf Australians. It is about having mental health problems like depression and anxiety. We wanted to learn about Deaf people who had mental health problems. 
We asked 16 Deaf adults about when they were children. We asked them about their communication experiences as children. 
We asked them if they felt like their childhood experience as a deaf child affected their mental health. 
Lots of people experienced stress and barriers to communication. Some had difficulty communicating with their family and their schools. Some felt bullied, sad, and anxious. 
We think that Deaf children need more support so they can have less risk of mental health problems as adults. 



Submission Authors

Mr Ramas McRae -