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Virtual Disability Conference 2024: New Frontiers
Virtual Disability Conference 2024: New Frontiers
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Plenary room - Session 2 - Advancing inclusive communities

Stream 1

Stream 1

2:00 pm

25 September 2024

Plenary Room

Session Description

Stream chair: Reece Adams
Stream co-chair:
Christine Kan

Session Chairs

Session Program

The disability sector is entering a big period of change, and these changes can be daunting for everyone who is a part of it. Similarly, understanding accessible housing and Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) are already complex topics and accessing these options will look different for everyone. Join us to hear the perspectives of someone who built and manages his own SDA dwelling, an SDA and support provider, and a Housing Hub support coordinator to discuss the different ways people with disability can access home and living and what they might look like in the future. 
The aim of our work at Inclusion Australia is to ensure the voice of families is effectively heard, captured, and represented in Inclusion Australia's systemic advocacy efforts. We recognised that many people with an intellectual disability - including people with high and/or complex support needs - are quite removed from the community and the self-advocacy movement. By involving their families we can bridge this gap and amplify their voices and experiences, ensuring these are included in our work and heard by government. We balance this with the direct involvement of people with an intellectual disability in our work as well.

This presentation will showcase innovative ways to empower and engage families in advocating for individuals with an intellectual disability. By promoting collaboration between families and service providers, we aim to pave the way for a more inclusive and supportive environment for people with disabilities.

Plain Language Abstract
This presentation is about advocacy. Advocacy is a way of standing up for the rights of people. 
We are from Inclusion Australia.  
Some people with disability are involved in advocacy. Some people have very complex disabilities, it is hard for them to be directly involved in advocacy. 
Sometimes families can speak up for people with complex disabilities. 
We have been working with families. 
We have been working to make important changes.
We feel that people with complex disabilities can be better understood and included by including their families in big conversations about disability in Australia. 
Plain Language Abstract
This presentation is about Indigenous people living with disability who work and study at universities in Australia.
We are doing a big project. 
We will be talking to university workers and students who are Indigenous living with disability. We will be talking to people a few times over three years. 
Sometimes we call this Indigenous way of talking yarning.
We will listen to what is working and what is not working. 
We invite Indigenous people living with disability to join in our project.
People with disability are seeking employment outcomes that lead to engagement within the community. However, there is currently a significant employment service gap for people with disability in Australia. The Work Integration Social Enterprise Ability Model (WISE-Ability) has the potential to open up a new frontier for people with disability who want to work in a community-based job, by supporting organisations to create pathways to meaningful and sustainable employment. WISE-Ability enables purposeful organisational design of employment focused organisations to enable the provision of the employment supports that lead to good outcomes. This presentation will outline the model.   

Plain Language Abstract
This presentation is about work for people with disability. It is about people with disability getting jobs in the community. Lots of people with disability do not have jobs.
We made something called the Work Integration Social Enterprise Ability Model (WISE-Ability) model. We are working with workplaces to have jobs for people with disability.
We will tell you about the model.
