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Virtual Disability Conference 2024: New Frontiers
Virtual Disability Conference 2024: New Frontiers
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Stream 1 - Session 1 - Advancing inclusive communities

Stream 1

Stream 1

11:20 am

25 September 2024

Plenary Room

Session Description

Stream chair: Keith McVilly
Stream co-chair: Julie Anderson

Session Chairs

Session Program

People who have intellectual disability and high & complex communication support needs are often overlooked in advocacy and reform. This cohort are most at risk of having institutionalised lives and expectations. Having agency and voice is dependent on others knowing, acknowledging and acting on your behalf. Leave no-one behind.
How do we ensure agency, dignity and respect is afforded to people with disability who are dependent on other to advocate on their behalf? Why is this group of people being left behind in current reform? How do we change this?
This high profile panel with extensive personal and professional experience of disability will lead a compelling discussion presenting the urgent need for action to ensure people with profound disability, who are more frequently in segregated settings, are considered & included in advocacy and reform.
